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The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor Wiki
Pallos empire

Pallos Empire

Desert warrior 2
Desert warrior 1

'Pallos Empire is empire of the past created by Weed during the warring age, thanks to his extra time sculpting skill quest. After defeating the main armies of the Embinyu church, he names it the Pallos Empire, ruled by a Senate. It was supported by Weed's life bestowed sculptures and loyal desert warriors.


A mysterious Name[]

  • Weed named the Empire after a certain candy that he couldn't afford to buy when he was younger[1].

A unique flag[]

  • During Nodulle’s quest, Weed had created the Pallos Empire. Then, ‘eh I don’t know. It is barley bread or grass porridge. I will just do it roughly.’ Therefore Weed had created the crude form of a sword stabbed into a sack. The mark was found in desert villages and was also found here in the Petra Oasis.

Aftermath of the quest - Pallos Empire[]

  • Following Weed's Quest[2]:
    • The culture of the desert is introduced to cities in the Central Continent.
    • Instead of staying in the original state, Southern Continent continued to develop economically and technologically.
    • New history books and quests about the Pallos Empire appeared within the game. Related adventures were automatically generated.
    • More warriors were born in the desert area and a cult was held toward the founder.
    • The children of the desert areas dream of becoming outstanding warriors.
    • Hestiger once passed through the Desert of Tranquility, arriving in the Petra Oasis and left his Loa Sword and book, The Great Desert Warrior, which contained the desert warriors' two famous skills.

Empire's Information[]

Political structure[]

Weed ruled it as an Emperor. But before he left that timeline, he decided [3] that it should be ruled by the Senate and not through a single individual, knowing that the throne would go to Hestiger once he went back to the current Versailles continent timeline.

  • A senate will consist of those with the most fame and strength in the Pallos Empire. They will rule on serious matters in meetings.

Weed's mind wanted to just select a monarchy. Absolute monarchy! An emperor that rules over the entire territory and could exploit the residents was a perfect fit for Weed. God might say killing was rule but the emperor of an empire had all the power!

  • If you choose a monarchy then you need to immediately establish a heir that you can hand over all your power to. A smart emperor would lay the foundation of the empire for a long time. Of course, the opposite could be true if the emperor selects an incompetent heir.

A republic was more difficult. Weed’s desert army had the absolute force and authority on the Versailles Continent. However, a republic meant a NPC would been selected. Then it was likely that Hestiger would be selected as the Emperor of the Pallos Empire.

  • If you choose a republic then the citizens of Pallos Empire will select the emperor themselves. Each emperor’s power will be constrained and they will be replaced at regular intervals. Trade will grow quickly and there will be less resistance from the occupied territories.

A feudal system was even more ridiculous. Weed couldn’t give full control of different regions over to other people.

  • If you select a feudal governing system then each region will be ruled by a lord. It is a good system to govern distant areas in a vast empire but the lord will have more power than the emperor in that area. There will be no rebellion or tax evasion.

History [4][]

The Empire lasted for 83 years (after Weed went back to his own time) before it was falling apart due to inextricable power struggles in the Senate[5].

History of the Pallos Empire - Volume 37
-The Pallos Empire that ended the warring period!

Historians defined the warring period as a time where trickery, betrayal ,war, slander and violence dominated.

The greedy kings and nobles meant there was never a shortage of battles in that period!

Innocent residents died on the battlefield and those who resisted the excessive taxes were killed.

Instead of acting honourably and loyally, the knights weren’t ashamed of their cruelty and violence.

However, there weren’t many who knew that the Embinyu Church was deeply embedded in the warring period.

A conqueror raised in the cast and barren land of the south destroyed the dark clouds on the continent and formed a new empire.

The Pallos Empire!

A country built on the scimitars of the camel warriors. The desert culture and traditions formed a powerful empire in the warring period.

The might armed forces dominated the continent for 80 years while maintaining order in the world.

Despite the dispute between the desert tribes, they were able to occupy the territories for a long 80 years with their simple and effective preferential treatment of the strong.

The excellent desert warriors acted as the kingdom knights. They established commercial roads that connected the continent, suppressed the monsters and firmly managed the safety of the area.

If the senate hadn’t fallen apart due to infighting then the Pallos Empire would’ve reigned for even longer.

0 year: The Mapon and Beiner Kingdoms unconditionally surrendered. The dark clouds on the continent, the Embinyu Church was crushed. All kingdoms felt respect and fear towards the Pallos Empire. Weed stepped away from the seat of the Emperor and delegated the rule to the Senate. Sun Warrior Hestiger continued to fight with injustice and left with the high-elves, his adventures becoming hidden history.
2 years: A rebellion occurred in the occupied territories. Six cities belonging to the Noah and Ruprea Principalities were involved. The desert warriors overflowing in the Pallos Empire lightly took care of them. The brutal destruction contained any further rebellions.
3 years: Monsters increased due to the deteriorating security in the warring period. The Pallos Empire annihilated any enemies that tried to invade their borders. The kingdoms felt fear and paid tributes. The golden period of the Empire began.
5 years: Famine caused by severe drought. The Pallos Empire didn’t suffer because they were overflowing with food and riches.
6 years: The great Desert Warrior Mobis was born. He was the next Sun Warrior that the desert respected after Weed and Hestiger.
9 years: The Senate declared they would expand the territory. The Pallos Empire destroyed the Mapon Kingdom. Due to the severe destruction during the war, diplomatic relations with other kingdoms worsened.
15 years: The desert areas experienced a surge in the birth rate. The advanced agricultural technology of the continent increased food production. Laos was selected as one of the top 10 cities on the continent. The residents lived in luxury and abundance. Tobacco became a local speciality of the desert and its popularity spread across the continent.
21 years: A large-scale civil war occurred between the Brukan Tribe and the Kusilli Tribe. 43 desert tribes formed an alliance. There were countless corpses before a cease-fire occurred.
34 years: The generation of desert warriors changed. The desert warriors (+ sculptures) who followed Weed returned to the soil.
52 years: The Invasion of the Warlocks.

The Pallos Empire engaged in a 3-year war. Mobis captured the warlocks and executed them. However, the oases in the desert were poisoned and many died. It was too late to detoxicate the oases and 6 cities were closed.

66 years: A conflict occurred inside the Senate. The war between the Brukan and Kusilli Tribes continued. The civil war was aggravated as most of the desert tribes participated.
69 years: The storehouses of the Pallos Empire were emptied. Due to the preferential policies involving production and commerce of the desert warriors caused the craftsmanship to fall behind other kingdoms. The trade imbalance with the other kingdoms worsened.
71 years: The Senate had a dramatic reconciliation. They decided to invade other kingdoms to restore their depleted gold.
72 years: A backlash occurred in the occupied territories. The desert warriors were involved but the fortresses had high magic resistance. The Dagan Kingdom was reconstructed.
74 years: The great desert warrior Mobis retired.
77 years: The number of kingdoms resisting the Pallos Empire increased to 6. The Keltun Expedition failed.
81 years: Revolts occurred in most of the occupied territories. The desert warriors were outstanding but couldn’t win against the armed soldiers. The Pallos Empire decided to abandon the occupied territories and withdrew to the desert.
83 years: The desert tribes started fracturing. The Pallos Empire was officially dissolved.


  1. Founder Great Emperor Weed, Seoyoon
  2. Hero Hestiger
  3. Hero Zahab
  4. Warrior-1 to Warrior-10
  5. Priests: Alverun, Alveren
  6. Desert Warriors
  7. Sun Warrior


  1. Volume 37 Chapter 8
  2. Volume 37 Chapter 9
  3. Volume 37 Chapter 9
  4. Volume 37 Chapter 9
  5. Volume 37 Chapter 9